Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I just ran across a couple of real old favorites. Both somehow relate to me today. Don't read to much into it. They just happened to stay relevant, and it's nice to pass 'em on.

S (Prisoner) (The Persecution and Restoration of Dean Moriarty)

Saint Stephen…


All this is borrowed and stolen. Blame dumb ol' Garcia and that bum, Hunter. I had nothin' to do with the swindle, but to show up at the right or wrong time. Anyhow, you don't even have to bother with the Youtube recording of this remarkably weird jig; well, unless you're the curious type.

I must give credit to Dr. Dodd, the brilliant and generous scholar for the many links contained in the annotated lyrics. There is a feast for the spirit and mind in there.


Reaching for Heaven…

Here the Old Man lays it down, and reaches for Heaven with a fragile voice and nine fingers plucking the harp unstrung. Meanwhile, dumb ol' Lesh seems to be enjoying himself.