Friday, December 17, 2010


What a tune this is.  A meditation with a fine band blessed with gobs of ukes, guitars, bangles being banged over the drums, cymbals jangled, and the words of an old preacher who shouted out a warning over the radio to his congregation back in 1941, "The undertaker, the devil, he does not take the day off!" The entire production was improvised. This is a genius band. Thanks Paul Simon for comin' around to help remember that other Jewish fellah.


The End of Secrets: Cont…


Carrying on a previous theme. Even the NSA (No Such Agency) has noticed that its networks are porous. What will become of us all when the only secrets are those that can only be known, never told, and all else is free? A world without secrets, no impenetrable walls around information and what it reveals about our conduct and interests…