Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thank You Sr. Borges, and the Cowboys!


For your literary and intellectual delictation… to be set to music…

The Gardens of Forking Paths
From gardens of forking paths, we ride
Together apart we left to meet
in the high, chilly wind we see
no where else to go
but, how just to be
Tasting the dew on each other’s breasts
holding tight to each other to leave
every hope once held left behind
all is lost and yet
all that’s yet to be
We got two good horses
Let’s ride
I’ll follow you
You follow me
Let’s ride, you know what to do already
kick the door open and come on in
Yeah, I have been expecting you
No matter of faith
Just experience 
We got two good horses
Let’s ride
I’ll follow you
You follow me

2010 © Solomon

A Clear Statement of First Principles…


Somehow, my country stumbled into doing and saying the right things regarding folks in Egypt in the past couple of weeks. Will we do the same in Bahrain? I'm a big supporter of President Obama, and I've had, and still have high expectations of him. But, just 'cuz the due is black doesn't mean he's not cut from the same bolt of cloth from any other American pol that claws and schemes his way into the White House. The conventional rules of our foreign policy do not change with the color of the President's skin. Still, today, he has an opportunity to do something remarkable. He can align our national interests with our professed ideals, our supposed first principles as a republic. The following is a fine essay on that topic, as it concerns the mess in our patron state, Bahrain.