Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Is Not What Democracy Looks Like…

Dear Friends,

Is this what democracy looks like? This man with the gun standing on Main Street has been hired by Bank of America to intimidate possible protesters seeking to occupy their own nation and speak their minds with good heart and in a peaceful manner. He wears a pistol, dresses in black and tucks his pant's legs into his jack boots in the fashion of a Nazi trooper. Around his waist is a holster and a belt designed to hold hand grenades. You can't see his eyes behind the shades he wears even after the sun has set. He is a thug who sells his services to a bank that seems to feel that it needs protection from its own customers.

Photo by S. Solomon, 10/22/2011

So, here on the streets of my peaceable little city is an armed brute who apparently can't get a job with even the most corrupt police department in our supposedly free nation. He lurks in the shadow by the bank's door and acknowledges a polite greeting by turning his back to his fellow citizens while fondling his pistol. As far as I can discern, he is a sick, angry creep who does not belong in any situation that involves possible armed force.

Res Ipsa Loquitor,


Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Shot in the Dark…

Dear Friends,

This shot pretty much tells the story from the Occupy America activity on the Main Street of my hometown. Is it madness, righteous anger or joy that we are seeing?

Shot w/iPhone 4 by S. Solomon
Res Ipsa Loquitor,


Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy American #3: Broke Down Palace…

Dear Friends,

At the behest of Wall Street, international banks and insurance companies, the city of Denver was shut down today. Nobody was permitted to leave nor enter the city via major highways, highways that We The People own, that We The People paid for. The rational for the lock down of a major American city was that protesters were interfering with commerce. Today's action was one of a police state.

Our democracy has become a broke down palace. It is now a sham. I think I'll go out and see if I can get myself arrested for being a citizen this afternoon. I know how to do that. All I have to do is stand in front of a bank on Main Street and take pictures of other citizens with signs protesting the ruin of our economy and general betrayal of obligations by our so-called leaders in government and business.

Res Ipsa Loquitor,


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Utterly Pathetic: Occupy America #2

Dear Friends,

Below is a photograph that well illustrates how utterly pathetic things have become on our nation's streets. Here is a man armed with a gun in broad daylight. What is this? Are we back to the days of the wild west? No, this fellow has been hired to defend The Bank of America against its own customers in 21st Century America. He stands proudly on guard before a tide of righteous ire at the financial and business sector. This has not much been seen but for occasional intervals every few decades in times of exceptional distress.

Back during the last depression, bankers contracted armed thugs to protect real estate that housed empty vaults. That made a lot of sense to those financiers. The wealthy continued to take home their fine salaries and bonuses rewarding them for the ruination of the world economy. The common man went hungry, their male children were sent to ride the rails to find work, any work. Their wives sold apples, if any were to be found, on the streets along side their daughters selling pencils for a penny outside the bank on Main Street. That empty bank was worth more than Humanity in the estimation of the Titans of Disaster.

So, here we are today. It's just another day like any other day, lo many years ago. We are being greeted on the streets that we, The People, own. Our gracious host is a jack-booted bullet head goon with a gun.

The most pathetic aspect of this situation is that the poor jerk in the photo is likely making barely a living wage as he is employed to guard safe fortunes for folks that would not have him in their home, wish not to lend a hand to feed nor clothe his babies, and would let his beloved wife die without medical care. We are living in a time of depravity.

Figure out for yourself how you might occupy America. Think for yourself. You will know what to do. All I can recommend is that you not simply take up space, but occupy America.

Res Ipsa Loquoitor,


Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy America…

Dear Friends,

The big "Occupy Wall Street" hoo-hah has now over-run my own little city, Northampton, MA. This, I believe, is a good thing. I actually do not know what they exactly stand for. I suspect they don't either. But, they are righteously pissed-off and solidly in favor of Democracy, and so am I. So I stand with them.

Res Ipsa Loquitor,


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Here's my girl…

Dear Friends,

I am so pleased to introduce my lovely red-headed gal, seven foot eight of glowing elegance. She is radiant. She is rare in aspect and divine in manner. This here is my girl, the darlin' Ms. Applebaum. Whad'ya think?

Res Ipsa Loquitor,


iPhone4 w/PictureMagic on Red/Green Filter